DEBATE: Cosmic History vs. Big History
In the journal, Science, Religion, and Culture, author Ted meets his critics:
Francisco J. Ayala, Lowell Gustafson, Ann Pederson, Nancy Howell, and George Murphy.
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All documents available in PDF format
- Ted Peters, “Public Theology, the Common Good, and Planetary Community” (2024)
- Ted Peters, “How My Mind Has Not Changed, Yet Changed” (2024)
- Ted Peters, “Communicatio idiomatum in deep incarnation” (2024)
- Ted Peters, “At Home in the Cosmos” (2024)
- Ted Peters, “At the Foot of Babel: Disclosure and Concealment” (2023)
- Debate: Cosmic History versus Big History
- ELCA Racism Controversy of 2021
- Ted Peters, “Apologies to the Authentic Diversity Advisory Team”
- Ted Peters, “The Struggle for Cognitive Liberty: Retrofitting the Self in Activist Theology” (2020)
- Ted Peters, “Resistance of Self-Justification to God’s Grace” (Mannermaa Lecture 2019)
- Ted Peters, “Covenant, Blood, and Violence: America At War With Itself and Others” (2019)
- Ted Peters, “Is God’s Grace Really a Gift?” (2019)
- Ted Peters, “Public Theology: Its Pastoral, Apologetic, Scientific, Political, and Prophetic Tasks” (2018)
- Ted Peters, “Public Theology: Its Pastoral, Apologetic, Scientific, Political, and Prophetic Tasks” (2018)
- Ted Peters, “Religious Sacrifice, Social Scapegoating, and Self-Justification”(2018)
- Ted Peters, “The eye of faith and the eye of science: Regin Prenter and Niels Henrik Gregersen on God’s creation” (2018)
- Ted Peters, “Liberation, Law, and Proleptic Dignity” (2018)
- Ted Peters, “Demythologizing the Myth of Economism (2017)
- Ted Peters, “From Big History to Cosmic History(2017)
- Ted Peters, “Entheokaric Freedom: Clarifying Confusions”(2017)
- Ted Peters, “Justice, Justification, and Self-Justification. (2016)”
- Ted Peters, “Dirty Ethics for Bold Sinning” (2015)
- Kristin Johnston Largen, “Prolepsis and the Abolition of Hell” (2015)
- Ted Peters, “Spirituality of Justification” (2014)
- Ted Peters, Does God Have a Plan for the Big History of the Cosmos?(2014)
- Ted Peters, “Six Ways of Salvation: Does Jesus Save?” (Dia 2006)
- Ted Peters, “Models of the Soul: Comparing Concepts”
- Ted Peters, “Models of God: Comparing Concepts”
- Paul Hinlicky, “Cross, Contestation and Consummation: An Engagement with Ted Peters”
- Ted Peters, “Science in Seminaries? Really?”
- Ted Peters, “Theology and Science Update 2025”
- Ted Peters, “At Home in the Cosmos” (2023)
- Ted Peters, “Extraterrestrial Incarnations?” (2023)
- Ted Peters, “Will Superintelligence Lead to Spiritual Enhancement?” (2022)
- Ted Peters, “Created to Be a Co-creator: The Cosmic Meaning of Being Human” (2022)
- Ted Peters, “The Crisis of Technological Civilization” (2022)
- Ted Peters, “Can we locate our creation in the future? Archonic versus epigenetic creation accounts” (2022)
- Ted Peters, “Astrobiology: The Almost Religious Science” (2022)
- Ted Peters, “Astrotheologie,” (2022)
- Ted Peters, “Redemption as Creation: The Future of Pannenberg’s Future,” in Theology for the Future: The Enduring Promise of Wolfhart Pannenberg (2021)
- Ted Peters, “When did Homo Sapiens become Homo Religious? Just-so Stories, Evolution, and Big History” (2022)
- Ted Peters, “Ricoeur and the Third Discourse of the Person: From Philosophy and Neuroscience and Psychiatry and Theology” (2021)
- Ted Peters, “Astroethics for Earthlings” (2021)
- Ted Peters, “Astrotheology’s contribution to public theology: From the extraterrestrial intelligence myth to astroethics” (2021)
- Ted Peters,, “Future Space Missions and Human Enhancement: Medical and Ethical Challenges” (2021)
- Ted Peters, “Natural Science within Public Christian Philosophy and Public Systematic Theology” (2021)
- Ted Peters, “Evolving from Earthlings into Martians?” (2020)
- Ted Peters, “Scientific Psi? Neuralink and the smarter brain”
- Ted Peters, “Artificial Intelligence, Transhumanism, and Frankenfear” 2018
- Ted Peters, “Allies in the Struggle Against the Post-Truth Swarm” (2020)
- Ted Peters, “Astrotheology” (Covalence 2019)
- Ted Peters, “Astroethics” (Covalence 2019)
- Ted Peters, “Astrobiology and Astrotheology in Creative Mutual Interaction” (2019)
- Ted Peters, “Intelligence: Not Artificial but the Real Thing!” (2019)
- Ted Peters, Give CRISPR the Yellow Light (2019)
- Ted Peters, “Contingency and Freedom in Brains and Selves” (2019)
- Ted Peters, “Artificial Intelligence versus Agape Love: Spirituality in a Posthuman Age” (2019)
- Ted Peters, “Are we Closer to Free Market Eugenics? The CRISPR Controversy” (Zygon 2019)
- Ted Peters, “The Ebullient Transhumanist and the Sober Theologian” (2019)
- Ted Peters,”Stars, Planets, and God’s Extraterrestrial Sheep” (Henry Ctr 2018)
- Ted Peters, “Does Extraterrestrial Life Have Intrinsic Value? An Exploration in Responsibility Ethics (2018)
- Ted Peters, “The Imago Dei and the End of Evolution” (2018)
- Ted Peters, “Imago Dei, DNA, and the Transhumanist Way” (2018)
- Ted Peters, “Artificial Intelligence, Transhumanism, and Frankenfear” (2018)
- Ted Peters, “Science and Religion: Ten Models of War, Truce, and Partnership.” (2018)
- Ted Peters, “Extinction, Natural Evil, and the Cosmic Cross: In Honor of Christopher Southgate” (2018)
- Ted Peters, “The Science of Evil and the Evil of Science” (2018)
- Ted Peters, “Markers of Human Creaturehood: Soil, Spirit, and Salvation” (2018)
- Ted Peters, “Where There’s Life, There’s Intelligence” (2017)
- Ted Peters, “Should CRISPR Scientists Play God?” (2017)
- Ted Peters, Can We Hack the Religious Mind? The Interaction of Material Reality with Ultimate Reality in the Human Self (2017)
- Ted Peters, ” Universal Humanity, Religious Particularity, and Scientific Reductionism” (2017)
- Ted Peters, “Outer Space and Cyber Space: Meeting ETI in the Cloud” (2016)
- Robert John Russell, “Hummingbirds Make Stars Possible” (2015)
- Ted Peters and Carl Peterson, “The Higgs Boson: A Study in Critical Realism” (2013)
- Ted Peters, “Intelligent Aliens and Astroethics”(2014)
- Ted Peters, “The Implications of the Discovery of Extra-Terrestrial Life For Religion” (2011)
- Jacques Arnould, “A Brief History of Space Ethics”
- Ted Peters, “Evangelical Atheism Today: A Response to Richard Dawkins
- Ted Peters ETI Religious Crisis Survey
- Ted Peters & Martinez Hewlett, “Evolution? What Should We Teach Our Children in Our Schools?” (Evolution Brief E5)
- Ted Peters, “Theologians Testing Transhumanism (2015)”
- Ted Peters, “Science and Redemption: The Future of Creation”(2014)
- Ted Peters, “Astrotheology” (2013)
- Ted Peters, Estuardo Aguilar-Cordova, Cromwell Crawford, and Karen Lebacqz, “Religious Traditions and Genetic Enhancement” (2008)
- Ted Peters, “Astrotheology and the ETI Myth” (2009)
- Ted Peters, “Extraterrestrial Intelligence” for RGG (2008)
- Ted Peters, “Cells, Souls, and Dignity: A Theological Assessment” (2008)
- Ted Peters, “Are we Playing God with Nano Enhancement?” (2007)
- Ted Peters, “Christian God-Talk While Listening to Atheists, Pluralists, and Muslims” (2007)
- Ted Peters, “A theological argument for chimeras” (2007)
- Ted Peters, “Perfect Humans or Trans-Humans?” (2006)
- Ted Peters, “Robert John Russell’s Contribution to the Theology & Science Dialogue” (2006)
- Ted Peters, “Techno-Secularism, Religion, and the Created Co-Creator” (2005)
- Ted Peters, “Naturwissenschaft und Religion. Ein wachsender Forschungsbereich“ (2004)
- Ted Peters, “Protestantism and the Sciences” (2003)
- Ted Peters, “Holy Therapy” (2003)
- Ted Peters, “Grace, Doubt, and Evil: The Constructive Task of Reformation Theology” (2002)
- Ted Peters, “Playing God with Our Evolutionary Future” (1999)
- Ted Peters, “In Search of the Perfect Child: Genetic Screening and Selective Abortion” (1996)
- Ted Peters, “Designer Children: The Market World of Reproductive Choice” (1994)
- Ted Peters, “Resurrection: What Kind of Body?” (1993)
- Ted Peters in dialogue with John B. Cobb, Jr. (1990)
- Ted Peters, “Voegelin for the Theologian” (1989)
- Ted Peters, “Pannenberg’s Eschatological Ethics” (1989)
- Ted Peters, “A Christian Theology of Interreligious Dialogue” 1986)
- Ted Peters, “What is the Gospel?” (1986)
- Ted Peters, “David Bohm, Postmodernism, and the Divine” (1985)
- Ted Peters, “Post-Modern Religion” (1984)
- Ted Peters, “Nuclear Waste: The Ethics of Disposal” (1982)
- Ted Peters, “The Future of Religion in a Postindustrial Society” (1980)
- Ted Peters, “Metaphor and the Horizon of the Unsaid (1978)
- Ted Peters, “The Messianic Banquet and World Hunger” (1978)
- Ted Peters, “Monotheism and Kingship…” (1977) Ted Peters, “Monotheism and Kingship in Ancient Memphis: A Study in Egyptian Mythology” (1977)
- Ted Peters, “The Nature and Role of Presupposition” (1974)
- Ted Peters, “Atonement in Anselm and Luther” (1972)
Ted’s Online Articles at Wiley can be found at
Theological Briefs by Ted Peters on various topics can be found at Counterbalance.