Archived Presentations & Interviews with Ted

Saturday, April 22, 2023
Finding God in Space Exploration & Extraterrestrial Life
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“After Contact” Episode 4 with Ted Peters
See: “Talks at the Desk Trailer”

Nick Pope Interviews Ted Peters

“After Contact” Episode 4 with Ted Peters
See:Ted’s Trailer Teaser”

Christian cross on hillside

Wednesday, October 12, 2022


UCB Faculty Club 6:30 (Invitation Only)

Ted Peters, “AI, Religion, and Humanity”

See: “The Transhuman, the Posthuman, & the Truly Human”

"The Future of Transhumanism as a New Religious Movement" by Ted Peters

Ted Peters at MUFON Mutual UFO Network

Ted Peters at AbSciCon April 25, 2017

On Tuesday, April 25, 2017, Ted delivered his scientific paper, “Where There’s Life There’s Intelligence” to AbSciCon (Astrobiology Science Conference) sponsored by NASA and others in Mesa AZ. When he concluded his paper saying that all life from single celled organisms to Homo sapiens exhibit some traits of intelligence, Mission Control broke out into uncontrolled jubilation.

Ted Peters at SETI November 7, 2012

“The Myth of the Evolution of ET”

Ted Peters interviewed on Spiritual Bizarre

Parts 1 & 2: UFOs, Mysticism, Theology and Spirituality

Ted on “Sin Boldly” at Gettysburg Seminary with Kristin Johnston Largen

SETI: “The Myth of the Evolution of ET” November 7, 2012

View on YouTube


Ted Peters explains the moral and religious dilemmas we will face when mankind finally openly encounters its first extraterrestrial intelligence in this interview with Regina Meredith originally webcast March 25, 2014.
Watch the video.

Ted Peters on BLOG TALK RADIO.

View the videos

“Soul Insights” on Awakenings Radio with Michele Meiche

Discussion of UFOs: God’s Chariots? with Ted Peters

Finding Infinity: How UFOs Can Change the World with Ted Peters

Angela Levesque, “On Health and Healing” Web Radio

H+ Transhumanism: Will Technological Progress Get Us There?

Scott Colburn, “Exploring Unexplained Phenomena”

KZUM Radio, 89.3 FM, Lincoln Nebraska
Free Archives at .
Professor Ted Peters makes his first guest appearance on the EUP radio program Saturday September 20th, 2014. Ted Peters is the author of over two dozen books on theology and the dialogue between faith and science. His new book is “UFOs: God’s Chariots? Spirituality, Ancient Aliens, and Religious Yearnings in the Age of Extraterrestrials.” “UFOs: God’s Chariots? delves deeply into government conspiracies, analyzes the newest models of close encounter interpretation, and reveals the results of The Peters ETI Religious Crisis Survey, in which self-identified believers were asked if making contact with an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization would undermine our historic religious traditions. They said no. Does this mean we’re ready to share our pews with aliens?” (from the publisher’s website). – See more at:

Ted at 2012 MUFON

“Sacred Feminine Radio” with Karen Tate, September 23, 2014

“UFOs: Are They God’s Chariots?” with Ted Peters
A bit of a change of pace tonight considering the many interested in UFOs, if some Goddesses might have been ETs, and the seeming new secularized religious mythology of “ancient aliens….Ted Peters, investigator of UFOs for 40 years, who previously served as the Louisiana State Director of MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network is currently Emeritus Professor of Systematic Theology & Ethics at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary and the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA. He co-edits the journal Theology & Science at the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences. We’ll discuss if Christianity is threatened by the idea of ETs and where that might fit into that ideology, if he believs Earth may face a crisis if UFOs reveal themselves, if he thinks traditional religions are due to mistaken interpretations of visitations by ancient astronauts – and perhaps, most important, why he as a Christian theologian and religion scholar, interested in UFOs.–are-they-gods-chariots-wted-peters

“Night Fright” Radio with Brent Holland, CKLU 96.7 FM Montreal

Interview Ted Peters on UFOs! June 10, 2014

The Church of Mabus on the UFO Paranormal Radio Network

Jeffrey Pritchett and WHAM

Rosemary LaChance, “Spiritual Energy Healing for People and Animals” VSC TV

“The Grand Dark Conspiracy” WQTT Radio

Daniel Bautz interviews Ted Peters