God–The World’s Future is Ted Peters’ magnum opus, his most complete work. Now in its second edition with a third edition under way, this complete though brief text in systematic theology is used widely in English speaking and Korean speaking seminaries. It’s central theme is the gospel, defined as telling the story of Jesus with its significance. Part of the significance of the Jesus story is the prophecy that a new world is coming, a new creation that retroactively transforms our lives now, in the present.
God–The World’s Future is Ted Peters’ magnum opus, his most complete work. Now in its second edition with a third edition under way, this complete though brief text in systematic theology is used widely in English speaking and Korean speaking seminaries. It’s central theme is the gospel, defined as telling the story of Jesus with its significance. Part of the significance of the Jesus story is the prophecy that a new world is coming, a new creation that retroactively transforms our lives now, in the present.