This collection of essays is a fitting tribute to Denis Edwards, who was one of Australia’s leading theologians.
God in the Natural World: Theological Explorations in Appreciation for Denis Edwards, co-edited with Marie Turner, Adelaide, Australia: ATF Press, 2020.
This collection of essays is a fitting tribute to Denis Edwards, who was one of Australia’s leading theologians. In exploring the most challenging questions of our time, these essays canvas some of the great themes of Christian theology that were the focus of Edwards research. Denis Edwards was a theologian of dialogue: dialogue with our rich theological tradition, dialogue with science, dialogue with contemporary theologians. The contributors to this volume enter into a dialogue with substantial parts of the theological output of Denis Edwards. In the process, they capture something of his humanity, his love of creation, and his concern for our common home. The book demonstrates the commitment Denis Edwards had to a theology that is truly ecumenical and always learning from the insights of others. The editors and authors have done a great service in helping many others to deepen reflection on Denis Edwards’ contribution to our understanding of God and the natural world.